Digital Publishing: Making Your Work More You

Digital publishing contains a broad field of topics, platforms, and, most of all, people. With the internet being more accessible than ever, the density of creators and writers makes it difficult for aspiring authors to be recognizable. Names, titles, and paragraphs tend to blur together which makes the path to a successful digital publishing career challenging.

It won’t be your name that needs to stand out or a fancy title but the writing itself. It needs to be clean, grasping, and sprinkled with hints of your personality. The only way to make people recognize you or prefer you over the millions of other writers is to get a firm grasp of how you can make what you write a part of who you are.

Trying to get a digital publisher and reader’s attention isn’t impossible. Here are some pointers, tricks, and tips on how to better your odds of publication and success.

Your name doesn’t matter.

This sounds harsh, but most readers won’t read your name until they are finished with the article. The same practice goes for hiring paid writers on digital forums. Typically during the hiring process, the hiring manager will black out names and go strictly off of what is written. With this in mind, you need to write everything digitally as if the reader will never know your name.

When writing, think about what will make you stand out. These things can range from humor to writing mechanics, or general personal style. Do you write more professionally or more to entertain? These are questions you need to consider before turning in a resume with a work attached. Since this is digital, these hiring agents will likely not see you in person until they offer an interview. So what can you do with your writing alone, with no name or face, that will make a publisher want to publish your works or a consumer enjoy you over others?

The opportunities to stand out are endless with your digital content. Try starting an article with a story or hook. It also never hurts to research the digital company and see the topics they are speaking about as of late. You could even write an article written in their format.

Try these practices the next time you apply or publish online. Your name is important but, without a face, it doesn’t hold weight in a digital space.

What do you like to write about?

A great way to build a following and be recognizable is to figure out what you are passionate about in writing. Do you want to publish digital books, write articles on history or art, or create and add to science journals? This is not to say you can’t love and write about many different interests, but rather find a category you feel you can add the most information and insight to.

Your name might not be the first thing they look at but after a few articles with your name on the same general subject, it will begin to stick. You will begin to be recognizable based on a personalized subject you enjoy. Take something you love and make it into the art you write. Embodying your individuality is what publishers are looking for. The trendiest things might get the most initial clicks, but if your personality isn’t in it, you’ll just be another article and writer of a million others.

Don’t just write about anything and everything others are focusing on. If you do find the topic interesting, find your own spin or idea that others haven’t thought of. Be original with your ideas and what you find interesting. A good rule of thumb: If you don’t like it, likely they won’t either.

Practice does really make perfect.

Being knowledgeable and skilled will make you stand out more than anything stated above. Grammar, style, and a flowing structure are detrimental in personalizing your work, and to perfect this, practice is needed.

Publishers likely receive hundreds of applications and fifty percent of what is sent is likely lacking in these departments. Be the star that shines through. It doesn’t just make you insanely more credible on the subject you are discussing, but it also shows professionalism and respect. Showing so much attention to these finer details shows the digital publisher you care about what you are writing. It shows you take this field of work seriously at a time when it is still growing its legs.

Digital publishers want people would care. Be the person who personalized their work in the most respectful way possible: with dignity.

You’ve Got This!

Breaking through in digital publishing isn’t an easy task. It takes a lot of time, effort, and heart to really personalize and stand out. The best thing to remember is to write what you love, sprinkle in bits of personality, and respect it enough to be credible. Through these principles, no one will be able to read it without thinking of you. Best of luck!